- 2016 FPIU base model originally by Humster3D/Turbosquid; remodeled, textured, and converted to GTA V by Kane104
Templates, new grilles, steelies, hubcaps, and all included accessories made by Kane104
Tyre sidewall textures by Robert, tread and normal map by Kane104
Tyre dirt texture by Robert, edited by Cj24
LODs and linked textures by Dan with the Van!
Body dirtmap by Cj24
Radio/cluster display textures by CEO
Interior emissives/dials, configurations and installation set up by Cartres
Handling line by Dewey
- Whelen ION DUO modelled, textured and converted to GTA V by CEO.
- Ford Ready for the Road Package, modelled, textured and converted to GTA V by CEO.
- Whelen ION SOLO modelled, textured and converted to GTA V by CEO.
- Code 3 RX2700 modeled and textured by Cj24
- Whelen LED spotlight modeled and textured by Cj24.
- Setina cargo barrier made by krul
- Setina PB-400 with wrap arounds modeled and converted to GTA V by Sniper67.
- Textures by Terry Sloman, edited by Sniper67.
- Trunk props made by rockstar games
- Motorola antennas modeled and textured by Cj24.
- Toughbook CF-31 modeled and textured by Cj24.
- Console Model & Textures by CJ24
Edited by Jakub
- Havis side mount - Scratch Modeled by: Prod#6768
Converted to GTA5 by: Prod#6768
- Stalker Radar by Carper, Textures by Carper
- Motorola APX 6500 Modeled, Textured and UV mapped by Dan with da van
- Federal Signal siren controller modeled and textured by Cj24.
- Black-Rac Rack modeled and textured by Frost88
M4 Rifle off Turbosquid and converted by Frost88
- C3100 speaker modeled and textured by Cj24.
- Panasonic Arbitrator dashcam modeled and textured by Cj24.
- Siren Mount, bolts and Ion pushbar mounts made by Arrexx
- setina rp partition Modeled and Textured by Jophics