I have done my best to include all the credits for the parts used in these two vehicles. If I have missed anyone please message me!
Original 2010 Ford Taurus from FM4, revamped, remodeled, and turned into a 2018 Ford Taurus Police Interceptor by GeorgieMoon.
Purchased by Steve6645
Original 2016 Suburban by carface, revamped, remodeled, and turned into a 2020 Tahoe PPV by GeorgieMoon.
Purchased by Steve6645
Liverys by Steve6645 and Echowolf
Code 3 MR6 modeled and textured by Cj24
Code 3 RX2700 modeled and textured by Cj24
Code 3 XT lights modeled and textured by Cj24
Unity LED spotlight modeled and textured by Cj24.
Havis Console Modeled by Brendo Endo, Textures by Cj24, Plastic Normal Map by +Vincent
Panasonic Arbitrator dashcam modeled and textured by Cj24
ArrowStik controller modeled and textured by Cj24
Mastercom controller modeled and textured by Cj24
Weapon mount and 870 shotgun modeled and textured by Cj24, M4 rifle modeled and textured by
Setina RP Partition Modeled and Textured by Jophics
Havis tablet and keyboard modeled and textured by KLE0.
Havis Tablet mount Modeled and textures by KIKI (kiki._), Wire Loom Normal map by Deputy Jones
Setina SUV Trunk Organizer modeled and converted to GTA V by Sniper67., Textures by Sniper67 and Terry Sloman.
Motorola XRP 4550 Modelled & Textured by TerrySloman
Trunk vault by Razer
C3100 speaker modeled and textured by Cj24
Motorola antennas modeled and textured by Cj24
Chevrolet Tahoe Setina Pushbar Modeled and Textured by TerrySloman
Setina PB400 by GeorgieMoon.
Genetec Autovu Sharp X modeled and textured by Razer