===Base Model===
-2013 Charger SRT8 from Forza Horizon
-Converted and textured by Thehurk
-Converted to PPV by Thehurk
-Templated by Thehurk
-Taillight textures by Five0
Livery: Terry
Laird Phantom TRA4103 scratch modeled by Five0/OfficerFive0 Modeled off of Stienberg's version converted to gta 5 by Five0/OfficerFive0
Model: Billy J modifications Textures: Billy J modifications
PB-400 by Tutrles
window bars 3D Modeled and textured by Maryland Modifications
LAMPHUS SoundAlert SASP03 scratch modeled and converted to GTA V by panos_zaf, texture by panos_Zaf
Centre Console Models - Jakub Textures - Jakub & Walters
HM Logo Airfreshener - Marland Modifications
Siren Controller Modeled by Terry Sloman, Textured by Terry Sloman, Textures created by Terry Sloman, LMS Textures originally made by Jakub
Kustom Signals Eyewittnes Dashcam: Modeled by Walters, Textures by Walters.
Black-Rac Rack modeled and textured by Frost88, M4 Rifle off Turbosquid and converted by Frost88
Radio and mic scatch made by 0taku, Textuers made by 0taku
Ticket Book Created and textured by Rogue_Thunder
FS CN SignalMaster modeled and textured by Cj24.
FS MicroPulse modeled and textured by Cj24
Whelen Micron scratch modeled, textured and converted by panos_zaf.
Module Scratch modeled, converted and textured by Krul.
Whelen Avenger scratch made and texuterd by 0taku