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Senora National Park Search & Rescue

TEXTURE Senora National Park Search & Rescue 1.0

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NPS SAR 29.png

NPS SAR 31.png

Senora National Park Search & Rescue (SNSAR) is a highly skilled unit dedicated to ensuring the safety of visitors in the vast and challenging terrain of Senora National Park and Raton Canyon National Recreation Area. Inspired by real-world teams like the Joshua Tree National Park Search & Rescue (JOSAR), SNSAR specializes in wilderness rescues, including operations in remote desert areas, rugged mountains, and the park's expansive trail network.

SNSAR is staffed by a mix of NPS climbing rangers and volunteers. As a team certified by the Mountain Rescue Association (MRA), all field members receive extensive training in high-angle rope rescue, desert survival, medical response, swiftwater rescue, and other essential disciplines. Their responsibilities include locating lost hikers, responding to climbing accidents, and assisting in emergencies related to extreme weather conditions and dehydration. SNSAR is also prepared to assist the neighboring search and rescue teams of Los Santos County and Blaine County in prolonged or specialized search and rescue operations.

The vehicles of SNSAR are loosely based on the design of JOSAR vehicles, but also incorporates other aspects seen on various other NPS Search & Rescue vehicles throughout the many national parks. One detail taken from JOSAR is the labeling of doors where equipment is stored, which matches the vehicle models for those with opening doors. Included in this pack are 6 total textures (Skins for Zeakor’s Gator & Medic4523’s UTV are interchangeable). Links to these vehicles are included below.

SAR1 - Zeakor Ram Utility
SAR2 - Medic4523 Freightliner Rescue
SAR3 - Ripples Search & Rescue F-450
SAR4 - TheHurk CHP F-350
SAR5 & SAR6 - Zeakor or Medic4523 Gator UTV


NPS SAR 4.png

NPS SAR 9.png

NPS SAR 13.png

NPS SAR 1.png

NPS SAR 7.png

NPS SAR 19.png

NPS SAR 18.png

NPS SAR 26.png

NPS SAR 27.png

NPS SAR 23.png

NPS SAR 25.png

NPS SAR 36.png

Tags: GTA V Grand Theft Auto 5 Mod LSPDFR LCPDFR FiveM Compatible Vehicles Emergency Rescue Fire Department EMS Paramedic Search and Rescue Wilderness Trail SAR UTV Medical Response Off-Road All-Terrain Compact Side-by-Side National Park Service Remote Mountain Desert Hiking Trails Outdoor Realistic Addon Response Fire/EMS Custom Livery
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