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Riskier Traffic Stops
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Update 3.1.3
- Merged all main dependencies (Newtonsoft.Json, RAGENativeUI) into the main file, making the install of said files no longer necessary
- Increased time before the end outcome fires on hostage taking
- Enabled in built code optimizations to help things run smoother.
Update 3.1.2
- Added file validation for the "RiskierTrafficStops" directory and the "Localization.json" file, if 1 or more of those does not exist a warning will now appear and plugin load will be halted to prevent crashing.
- Fixed the Localization namespace (oopsies)
- Fixed a possible crash on GetOutAndShoot outcome
- Fixed a possible crash on the HostageTaking outcome
- Moved unload message call so it should no longer appear after a crash to avoid confusion
Update 3.1.1
- Fixed a crash with the spitting outcome
- Completely rewrote the chance system, added 3 chance system types configurable in the INI.
- Added a localization Json, if anything is missing from the Json please let me know.
- Greatly optimized my GamefiberHandling system - Possible small-medium performance increase.
- Updated the error logging system to provide greater details.
- Other misc. bug fixes.