Hi everyone, decided to give you all another free release. These are based on the Boston Med Flight medical services. These are made for Medic909 newest EC145 and Rednecks 2020 RAM Ambulance. Both of these are paid assest so you will have to purchase these via the links found below. For those that already have them, have fun using them
My development discord: https://discord.gg/6zbeKm5AZ7
Medic909's EC145:
- https://discord.gg/code3development
Redneck's 2020 RAM Ambulance:
- https://discord.gg/redneckmods
- https://redneckmods.com/products/2020-5500-multifunction-ambulance
FuTuR Designs Terms Of Service
• You are not allowed to claim credit for the items made by the me.
• You are not allowed to re-sell or share textures made by me. (This includes to friends).
• You are not allowed to leak any items purchased. (This includes friends, if you want to hand it to a dev to put it in your server mention it when paying or contact myself directly for permission).
• All transactions are final and there are no refunds. Back charging will get you banned permanently. If there’s ever an issue or accidental payment contact me directly!
• If you are caught breaking the TOS you will be banned with no exceptions!
• I only accept payment through PayPal and in EURO's! Always send through friends and Family
• Commercial use is allowed but I need to be notified when using my work for commercial purposes and depending on it I may charge more.
• Do not attempt to recreate my skins in any way shape or form. Doing so will get you banned even if the skin you’re making remotely resembles mine.
My development discord: https://discord.gg/6zbeKm5AZ7
Medic909's EC145:
- https://discord.gg/code3development
Redneck's 2020 RAM Ambulance:
- https://discord.gg/redneckmods
- https://redneckmods.com/products/2020-5500-multifunction-ambulance
FuTuR Designs Terms Of Service
• You are not allowed to claim credit for the items made by the me.
• You are not allowed to re-sell or share textures made by me. (This includes to friends).
• You are not allowed to leak any items purchased. (This includes friends, if you want to hand it to a dev to put it in your server mention it when paying or contact myself directly for permission).
• All transactions are final and there are no refunds. Back charging will get you banned permanently. If there’s ever an issue or accidental payment contact me directly!
• If you are caught breaking the TOS you will be banned with no exceptions!
• I only accept payment through PayPal and in EURO's! Always send through friends and Family
• Commercial use is allowed but I need to be notified when using my work for commercial purposes and depending on it I may charge more.
• Do not attempt to recreate my skins in any way shape or form. Doing so will get you banned even if the skin you’re making remotely resembles mine.